If there is no plea bargain, then the case will move on to trial.
庭审分法官审(bench trial)和陪审团审(jury trial)两种。被告按照联邦宪法规定,有权决定是法官审还是陪审团审。如果决定庭审,检察官要将证据与被告律师分享,以让对方准备庭审。
Trials are divided into two categories: bench trials and jury trials. The defendant has the constitutional right to a jury trial. Prior to the trial, the prosecutor will share the evidence with the defendant’s lawyer to prepare for the defense.
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If it is a jury trial, 12 jurors, selected from the general public, shall evaluate the evidence and make the factual findings of the case. The judge decides on what evidences or testimonies are admissible into the trial. The judge also explains the applicable law to the grand jury. If the jury has any question, they may ask the judge to elaborate. The jury cannot ask the prosecutor or the defense lawyer any question.
The jury applies the law and the fact as they find it to be and reach a verdict. A jury verdict usually has to be unanimous... The jury shall not obtain other evidence without the court’s approval, consult with either party, or visit the scene of the crime.
If the jury of twelve cannot reach an agreement, it results in a mistrial. This does not mean that the defendant is not guilty, as it only means there will be a retrial until 12 jurors arrive at a unanimous verdict of guilty or not guilty.