On our way up a series of winding escalators, we spot droves of others who have made the pilgrimage: three boys in school tracksuits posing giddily with their prize; a dazed woman clutching an assorted six-pack to her heart; a couple silently slurping the remains of their two-hour wait.
We stepped into the line that snakes around the front of the shop and down a long corridor of the mall. Passersby enjoy asking how long we’ve been waiting and then shaking their heads incredulously at our response.
After about two hours, it’s finally my turn to order. I’m handed a buzzer and asked to wait. About 30 minutes later, it vibrates and lights up. I jostle between a dozen other wild-eyed people, simultaneously racing to collect their prizes.
《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)就关注了喜茶在上海开张时的排队“盛况”,不少人都表示,他们排队只是为了当“潮人”(frontrunner)。
Customers queuing up for the tea said they didn’t actually have high hopes for the tea, but wanted to be frontrunners in Shanghai to have first-hand experience with it.
“I was swamped by news about the tea shop on the internet and I decided to test it. It is worth a few hours waiting no matter how the tea tastes.”