章莹颖,女,26岁,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)中国访问学生。于当地时间2017年6月9日中午前往One North公寓签约,之后失联。
Zhang Yingying, female, aged 26, was a Chinese visiting student at University of Illinois Urbana Champagne (UIUC). At noon local time on June 9, 2017, Zhang Yingying was on her way to sign an apartment lease, but she was not to be seen by anybody ever since.
克里斯滕森(Brendt Christensen),28岁,美国白人男子,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校物理学博士生,为该案嫌疑人。
Brendt Christensen, aged 28, a white Ph.D. student attending University of Illinois Urbana Champagne, has been indicted for kidnapping Zhang Yingying.
On June 12th, the police searched databases to match a specific model to the car that picked up Zhang Yingying. They then interviewed Christensen, one of the eighteen local Saturn Astra car owners. In the interview, Christensen claimed that on June 9th, he spent the whole day sleeping and playing games.
On June 14th, after the police noticed that Christensen’s car, like the car from the security footage that Zhang Yingying stepped into, had a broken hubcap, the court authorized the police to search the vehicle.