To avenge the murder of his wife and son, and rescue fellow primates who are captive, Caesar embarks on a journey. But when he gets the chance to kill his ruthless foe, a twist occurs.
但双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)还想聊聊的是,“猩球崛起”这个故事的电影开发史,和背后所同步崛起的好莱坞动作捕捉(motion capture)发展史。
“猩球”系列被开发成电影,最早可以追溯到1968年的弗兰克林·斯凡那(Franklin J. Schaffner)执导的《人猿星球》(Planet of the Apes)。
《人猿星球》(Planet of the Apes)剧照
影片改编自法国作家皮埃尔·鲍李(Pierre Boulle)1963年的同名科幻小说。
几年后,二战爆发后,他应征入伍,成为法国在新加坡的秘密特工,从事援助在中国、缅甸和法属印度支那的抵抗运动(resistance movement in China, Myanmar and French Indochina)。但他不幸被捕,被迫在战俘营苦役两年。
这段经历,也成为他以后另一部畅销小说《桂河大桥》(The Bridge on the River Kwai)的灵感来源。
The first Planet of the Apes movie in 1968 was adapted from its namesake novel penned by the late French author Pierre Boulle, who was part of World War II. The experience inspired his two best-known novels, The Bridge on the River Kwai and Planet of the Apes.