在这样一个多元化的群体里,相互理解并不容易,所以我从一开始就努力地让自己适应。很快,我发现自己适应了这里更大的食量,和马路正中间的铁路。我甚至人生中第一次品尝了幸运饼干!(幸运饼干Fortune Cookie: 美式中餐馆提供的打开后有祝福纸条的饼干)很快,我满足于自己的进步,于是我逐渐建立一个充满了与我的文化背景,年龄相仿的人的舒适的窝。他们的所思所想都与我相似,我又何必再和任何其他人交流?学校的课业和找工作的过程已经让人疲惫不堪,跨出我自己的圈子去和其他人交往看起来是那么的不必要甚至可怕。
Then one day something changed. It was a normal school day, and I was in the atrium looking at the flags as always. I saw that the flag of China was surrounded nicely by the flags of Canada, Chile, Colombia, and DR Congo, and suddenly it struck me that I didn’t know anyone of those nationalities. What a waste it was for me to ignore the diversity of experience and opinions that the Questrom community had to offer! I was determined to change, but it wasn’t easy:
I experienced the awkwardness of having to explain a joke that no one understood, the nervousness of asking questions about other cultures that seemed so obvious and silly, and the anger of defending my beliefs only to get suspicion and aloofness in return. Fortunately, these discomforts weresoon taken over by things like the amusement of teaching my classmates to pronounce my last name, Cai, using a part of their tongue that they didn’t know existed, the excitement of promoting our Math Finance culture awareness events in the Questrom Graduate Council, the satisfactionof knowing all the secret authentic restaurants around Boston and the astonishment of seeing the world and myself in a way that I could never have imaged before.